Dr. David E. Guggenheim, the “Ocean Doctor” (Photo: J-P Balas)
Join cove’s first member Dr. David Guggenheim for a cove classroom: DEEP in Enemy Territory: Cuba’s Spectacular Ocean Ecosystems and the Hope They Offer the World
Dr. Guggenheim, is president and founder of the nonprofit organization, Ocean Doctor and is in his 15th year leading research and conservation efforts in Cuba focused on coral reefs. His work was recently featured on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper, on the PBS Nature series and on NPR. In a world of corals dead and dying, Cuba’s marine ecosystems are spectacularly healthy, a Jurassic Park-like experience teeming with endangered species seldom seen elsewhere in the Caribbean, including bountiful sharks and grouper. We visit Cuba’s “Gardens of the Queen,” named by Christopher Columbus 500 years ago to honor Queen Isabella – truly a living time machine – and explore why this area is so healthy and what the implications are for ocean ecosystems around the world, including those here in the U.S.
Wine and light refreshments will be served. This event is free and all are welcome to join.To RSVP, please email events@cove.is by Monday, October 13.

Sharks are abundant and a sign of a healthy ecosystem in Gardens of the Queen (Photo: D. Guggenheim)