Latest Past Events

Atlantic Edge Dive Center (Gaithersburg, Maryland)

Atlantic Edge Dive Center 102 S. Frederick Ave., Gaithersburg

Dr. David E. Guggenheim, the "Ocean Doctor," speaks to the Atlantic Edge Dive Center about Ocean Doctor's legal travel program for U.S. citizens and residents to Cuba's spectacular Gardens of the Queen National Park, the largest fully-protected marine protected area in the Caribbean, featured on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper.


Richmond Dive Club (Richmond, Virginia)

Mi Hacienda Mexican Restaurant 8250 Midlothian Turnpike, Richmond

Dr. David E. Guggenheim, the "Ocean Doctor," speaks to the Richmond Dive Club about Ocean Doctor's legal travel program for U.S. citizens and residents to Cuba's spectacular Gardens of the Queen National Park, the largest fully-protected marine protected area in the Caribbean, featured on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper.


New England Dive Center (Wallingford, Connecticut) – Legal Travel to Cuba for U.S. Citizens

New England Dive Center 476 North Colony St, Wallingford

Dr. David E. Guggenheim, the "Ocean Doctor," speaks at the New England Dive Center about Ocean Doctor's legal travel program for U.S. citizens and residents to Cuba's spectacular Gardens of the Queen National Park, the largest fully-protected marine protected area in the Caribbean, featured on 60 Minutes with Anderson Cooper. The cover story of Scuba […]
