Google Earth 5.0 – Now With Genuine Ocean! ExpeditionDispatch from 1planet1ocean (Vol. 3 No. 1)
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean Doctor50 States Expedition Begins in 2 Weeks! ExpeditionDispatch from 1planet1ocean (Vol. 2 No. 4)
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean DoctorI’m 50 Today. To Celebrate, I’m Planning a Special ?Expedition? to All 50 States.
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean DoctorFresh from the Eisenhower Administration era, your friendly neighborhood Ocean Doctor turned 50 today. In doing so, I outlived my father, William L. Guggenheim, who tragically died at 49 when he was lost at sea. It was my days as a boy, fishing with my dad off of Cape May, New Jersey, that I truly inherited his passion for the sea, and I feel lucky to have been able to spend much of my life near, in, or best of all, under the water. Read more
Cuba Expedition Underway! ExpeditionDispatch from 1planet1ocean (Vol. 2 No. 3)
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean DoctorVersion 2 is You! ExpeditionDispatch from 1planet1ocean (Vol. 2 No. 2)
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean DoctorDramatic Discoveries in the Bering Sea: ExpeditionDispatch from 1planet1ocean (Vol. 2 No. 1)
/in ExpeditionDispatch Archive/by Ocean Doctor Phone: +1 (202) 695-2476
Fax: +1 (202) 888-3329
Fax: +1 (202) 888-3329
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 53090
Washington, DC 20009
P.O. Box 53090
Washington, DC 20009
Just Released: The Remarkable Reefs of Cuba: Stories of Hope from the Ocean Doctor by Dr. David E. Guggenheim, President of Ocean Doctor