In the News…
Upcoming and recent articles, radio/TV interviews, and event appearances featuring 1planet1ocean and/or Dr. David E. Guggenheim:
May 7: David Guggenheim to be Featured Speaker at 15th Anniversary Potomac Cruise for the.Download Invitation (PDF)
1planet1ocean president David E. Guggenheim was featured on “Philadelphia Agenda” with Brad Segall in a 30-minute interview about ocean conservation during Earth Month Listen Now!
Outside Magazine: Red is the New Green: Cuba’s Environmental Record by Patrick Symmes (March 2008)
Associated Press: “Mightier than the pen?: Fish farms on land are future… by Vicki Smith (March 2, 2008) Appears in the following (under various titles):
MSNBC: Traveling in a Post-Fidel Cuba by Christopher Elliot (February 21, 2008)
Copley News Service: Ecotourism Tips: How to make your next vacation a green getaway by Chandra Orr (February 2008) [PDF]
The New York Times: Conserving Cuba, After the Embargo by Cornelia Dean (December 25, 2007)
National Geographic’s Green Guide: Fish Out of Ocean Water by Emily Main (July/August 2007 #121)
Media Advisory
Media Contact: David E. Guggenheim, president, 1planet1ocean
Contact Information
For Immediate Release: April 1, 2008
Dr. David E. Guggenheim, president of 1planet1ocean, will be available for interviews for these upcoming ocean-related dates:
June 5, 2008: World Environment Day (United Nations Environment Programme)
Suggested topic: The New Green is Blue: What the Oceans are Telling Us and Why it Matters.
June 8, 2008: World Ocean Day (Created in 1992 at the United Nations Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro)
Suggested topic: The New Green is Blue: What the Oceans are Telling Us and Why it Matters.
Broadcast quality (including HD) b-roll and high-resolution photos are available
Press Kit
Media Contact: David E. Guggenheim, president, 1planet1ocean
Contact Information
Download a press kit (PDF)
Speaking Engagements
Dr. David E. Guggenheim is an accomplished public speaker and is available to deliver keynote addresses to large audiences or informal talks to smaller groups.