Blogus interruptus
Read any authority’s advice about blogs and you’ll see at the top of the list: “Blog regularly.” Even for someone who enjoys writing as much as I do, I don’t believe in writing for writing’s sake — I like to share original experiences and ideas, not just rehash stale news. Still, I’ve experienced quite a few blog-worthy adventures in the four months since my last post shortly after the Bering Sea Expedition, but haven’t written a single word.
READ THE REST: This post is published on OceanDoctor’s original blog at To read this post in its entirety, please click here.
The most beautiful place in the world…I was there a lot of times, and I could say that forever…I Love guahanacabibes…I?m biochemist and I was working with the turtles proyect for years such as FBIO-UH student…that was amazing for me…I won forget that for the rest of my life…thanks to Dr marielena Ibarra for that oportunity…god bless her…I will not forget her…
Please visit Proyecto?memorias de guahanacabibes? in facebook to enjoy the FBIO-UH experience working there….