Lost at Sea for 40 Years, But Never Alone
November 28th, 1976 was a Sunday, marking the end of the long Thanksgiving weekend. I emerged from the subway surface trolley line in West Philadelphia to make my way back […]
November 28th, 1976 was a Sunday, marking the end of the long Thanksgiving weekend. I emerged from the subway surface trolley line in West Philadelphia to make my way back […]
The gust of wind carried the grand arch of balloons away from the confines of the city garbage bin. The students of Pacific Grove Middle School in Pacific Grove, Calif., did not delight in their flight. Not cheers, but gasps, escaped from the children’s mouths as they watched the balloons drift away beyond their reach.
Read the full story at NOAA National Marine Sanctuary News.
Note: Newswire stories are provided as a courtesy of OceanDoctor.org. Content of these articles is provided by external sources.
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