Ocean Doctor on Blue Planet Almanac Radio with Mike Austin
On Monday, 8-24-09 at 8:00 AM Pacific time [11 AM Eastern], Mike Austin of Blue Planet Almanac radio will host world-class “Ocean Doctor,” Dr. David Guggenheim of 1Planet1Ocean. Streaming live at HealthyLife.net radio, surfers will point their Internet browser to that site and click, “Listen Live.” HealthyLife.net’s 3 million monthly listeners also listen via Microsoft Windows Media Player in Talk Radio.
Discussing the amazing background behind his love of the ocean and its stewardship, Dr. Guggenheim will draw from his lifelong experiences as a friend to Mother Earth including his roles as current president of 1Planet1Ocean and past vice president at The Ocean Conservancy. Guggenheim is also current expedition leader of the Ocean Doctor’s 50 Years, 50 States, 50 Speeches Tour to educate American children about the ocean’s critical importance to our futures.
But, one of Guggenheim’s most important projects involves not only America, but Cuba and Mexico, too. He’ll discuss his very unusual work and very special good news in Cuba about the Cuba Marine Research & Conservation project – “Proyecto Costa Noroccidental.” In cooperation with the Ocean Foundation, the Cuban project is a collaborative effort with the University of Havana’s Centro de Investigaciones. Studying and preserving the irreplaceable, rich marine and coastal wildlife of Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico, Dr. Guggenheim has observed some fascinating findings with invaluable implications for our little Earth.
Guggenheim discovered that Cuba’s coastal areas are in ecologically-sound shape. How can this be so since Cuba is only 80 miles from Florida’s Keys, where most coastal areas and coral reefs are dying or dead? Can the United States do the same things Cuba did to preserve its vital coastal areas? Is there anything you can do to help? Tune in on 8-24-09 at 8 AM Pacific [11 AM Eastern] to HealthyLife.net radio to find out!
After the live air date, Blue Planet Almanac radio will also be available in archive at Blue Planet Almanac radio archives – listeners can hear David by clicking the link next to his name and the show date of 8-24-09. The show will later be archived at Blue Planet Almanacs news site.
Read more at: http://www.blueplanetalmanac.com/
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