Oil Spill Commission - Final Report

Oceans ’11: The BP Oil Spill Commission Speaks – Ocean Issues to Watch

The Ocean Doctor on WebTalkRadio.net

January 17, 2011: The National? Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling has released its final report. What does it say and what are the lessons from this tragedy? The Ocean Doctor guides you through the highlights. Also: From The Ocean Foundation’s headquarters in Washington, DC, our panel of experts discusses other key ocean issues we should pay attention to this year.

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Oil Spill Commission - Final ReportThis Week: The BP Oil Spill Commission Speaks

We continue our in-depth coverage of the BP Deepwater Horizon disaster and take our first look at the Commission’s final report. Also: Our panel of experts and the other big issues we need to pay attention to this year.

On May 22, 2010 President Obama established the National? Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling, co-chaired by former Florida Governor and U.S. Senator, Bob Graham and former EPA Administrator, William Riley. The Commission issued its report last week ? on time and under budget ? perhaps a first for a presidential commission. We take our first look at the report, drawing from last week’s press conference.

Oil Spill Commission Video

On April 20, 2010 an explosion tore through the Deepwater Horizon, an oil rig operating in the Gulf of Mexico. The disaster happened as workers were finalizing the drilling of the exploratory Macondo well, forty miles off the coast of Louisiana. It was, by any standard, a catastrophe. See the project at http://www.oilspillcommission.gov/media/

Oil Spill Commission Final Report

Introduction (Front Matter) (1.5 MB)

Chapter 1 (2.25 MB)
“Everyone involved with the job…was completely satisfied…”
The Deepwater Horizon, the Macondo Well, and Sudden Death on the Gulf of Mexico
Chapter 2 (4.02 MB)
“Each oil well has its own personality”
This History of Offshore Oil and Gas in the United States
Chapter 3 (1.05 MB)
“It was like pulling teeth.”
Oversight–and Oversights–in Regulating Deepwater Energy Exploration and Production in the Gulf of Mexico
The Cause and Consequences of Disaster
Chapter 4 (3.22 MB)
“But, who cares, it’s done, end of story, [we] will probably be fine and we’ll get a good cement job.”
The Macondo Well and the Blowout
Chapter 5 (3.77 MB)
“You’re in it now, up to your neck!”
Response and Containment
Chapter 6 (4.92 MB)
“The worst environmental disaster America has ever faced”
Oiling a Rich Environment: Impacts and Assessment
Chapter 7 (3.94 MB)
“People have plan fatigue . . . they’ve been planned to death”
Recovery and Restoration
Industry, Government, and Energy Policy
Chapter 8 (3.49 MB)
“Safety is not proprietary”
Changing Business as Usual
Chapter 9 (2.33 MB)
“Develop options for guarding against, and mitigating the impact of, oil spills associated with offshore drilling.”
Investing in Safety, Investing in Response, Investing in the Gulf
Chapter 10 (1.01 MB)
American Energy Policy and the Future of Offshore Drilling
Back Matter (876 KB)

Hard Copy and Kindle Edition Available at Amazon.com

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National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling

Tip of the Week:

See the delightful 1983 movie, “Local Hero” starring Burt Lancaster, and be sure to enjoy the beautiful soundtrack by Mark Knopfler.

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